Tech Damper specializes in the area of subsea and topside vibration damping.
Our employees have decades of experience from engineering, design and manufacturing from the energy industry. This experience combined through collaboration with the industry’s leading subsea engineering experts, enables Tech Damper to develop and qualify energy technology.
Technology development
Technology qualificationTechnology development is a demanding exercise. It involves all stages from understanding our customer needs through concept and innovative design into commercialization.
This requires close cooperation with both customers and suppliers and knowledge of industry requirements and standards.
Tech Damper has through several projects demonstrated its strength by fast tracking the process from idea to prototype to finished product by combining new and known technology.
Technology qualification
Technology developmentImplementing new technology includes managing risks and uncertainties. It is essential to prove the new technology and ensure that the reliability meets the demands.
Tech Damper possesses thorough knowledge and understanding of technology, combined with flexibility, adaptability and a desire to understand and satisfy our customers. We offer effective and efficient qualification of our new technology to satisfy relevant needs and demands, for example DNV-RP-A203.